Court Attendance Notice (CAN) in NSW: What to Do

Court Attendance Notices in NSW: What You Need to Know


Tax Related Crimes

Court Attendance Notices in NSW: What You Need to Know

If you’ve received a Court Attendance Notice (CAN) in NSW, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do next. A CAN is a formal legal document issued when you’re accused of a criminal offense. But don’t worry, we will break down the components of a CAN, how authorities issue it, the information it includes, and the crucial steps to take upon receiving it in your mailbox or from the police.


What is a Court Attendance Notice (CAN)?

A CAN is a formal legal document that serves as a notification of a criminal charge in NSW. It’s your less-than-thrilling invitation to appear in court on a specific date and time to answer the allegations against you. At Waterhouse Lawyers, we specialize in tax law, frequently handling CANs related to issues such as tax evasion, underreporting, or other tax-related violations. However, our Senior Counsel, Bernie Kerr, specializes in various aspects of criminal law and began his legal career as a prosecutor for the New South Wales police. Rest assured, you’re in capable hands.


What Information is Included in a Tax Court Attendance Notice?

A CAN contains the following key details:

  1. Defendant’s Information: Your full name, address, and other relevant personal information.
  2. Offense Details: A description of the offense you’re charged with, often citing the relevant legal provisions or sections related to the case.
  3. Court Appearance Details: The court’s name and location, the date of your appearance, and the scheduled time.
  4. Additional Information: This section might list the name of the tax officer in charge and the responsible tax authority.


What to Do if You Receive a Court Attendance Notice?

  1. Get Legal Help: When you receive a CAN, it’s a big deal. Reach out to a lawyer who knows about these things. They’ll explain what to do and stand up for you in court.
  2. Don’t Ignore It: Ignoring a CAN can get you into trouble. You might get arrested or face penalties. So, don’t wait. Take it seriously and act fast.
  3. Get Ready for Court: Learn what you’re accused of and gather any papers or proof that can help your case. Your lawyer will guide you and make sure you’re ready for your day in court.


How We Can Assist:

Receiving a Court Attendance Notice can be overwhelming, but understanding the process can ease some of the stress. Seeking legal help is crucial to navigate the complexities and ensure the best possible outcome for your case. At Waterhouse Lawyers, our team is here to guide you through the process with minimal stress. Please get in touch with us for expert legal assistance by emailing or call 02 9252 8746.



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