Tax Advice Articles - Waterhouse Lawyers - Tax Law Specialists

Tax Advice

23 April 2024

Transfer Pricing

Simplified transfer pricing record keeping can save an Australian entity with a related offshore entity a lot of time and money. If an Australian entity qualifies […]
16 April 2024

BAS Refund Fraud

Are you a victim of BAS Refund Fraud.  Or perhaps have lodged BASs that falsely claimi expenses? If you are a victim we can help by […]
22 February 2024

Navigating Payroll Tax Obligations for Contractors

When operating a business and engaging contractors, it is crucial to navigate the complexities of payroll tax obligations to ensure compliance with legal requirements.  Determining Payroll […]
25 October 2023

Australian GST for Overseas Businesses

Are you an offshore business providing goods or services to consumers in Australia? Understanding your obligations under the Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime is […]
30 May 2023

Are you a horse racing punter who uses tipping software? If so your winnings may be taxable

The taxation of horse racing winnings depends on whether individuals are classified as professional or non-professional punters. This article explores the tax implications for each category. […]
14 December 2021
Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) Exemptions

If your business engages employees then you probably know that any extra benefit you make or pay to an employee is treated as a fringe benefit […]
9 February 2021
Tax Lawyer Tax Audit, CGT, Debt Financing Law, Sub-dividing property law

Subdividing your main residence – Tax Tricks & Traps

Subdividing your main residence – we all know you do not pay tax when you sell your main residence, but tax treatment is much more complex […]
23 July 2020
Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne

JobKeeper Rules Change

JobKeeper Rules change JobKeeper has been extended until 28 March 2021 but with new rules in relation to payment rates and business eligibility. JobKeeper Payment Rates […]
28 May 2020

Are Gambling Wins Taxable?

Are gambling wins taxable? Typically, winnings from gambling are not taxable. BUT, there is a caution to this. The winnings of a “professional” gambler are taxable. […]



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