Tax Residency Articles - Waterhouse Lawyers - Tax Law Specialists

Tax Residency

5 May 2022

Tax Residency: Working Overseas In A Low Tax Country? Get The Right Advice & Avoid Large Tax Debts

Tax Residency Are you working overseas in a low tax jurisdiction and paying little or no tax?  If so, and you haven’t considered tax residency requirements, […]
4 August 2021
Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne

Expat Tax traps: Australian tax resident: Ordinary concepts test

Tax Residency Law:  Are you a Tax Resident of Australia? Whether you are a tax resident of Australia is a tricky question to navigate come tax […]
6 July 2021

Australian Residency Tax Trap: Permanent Place of Abode

Australian Residency Tax Trap – In order to be treated as a non-resident of Australia and thus not taxed as an Australian resident you must satisfy […]
22 January 2021
Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne

Commonwealth Superannuation Test for residency – not as easy as first meets the eye

Commonwealth Superannuation Test. There are many tests which determine whether an Australian living overseas is foreign resident for Australian tax purposes. One of the main tests […]
13 July 2020

Tax Issues: Hong Kong Residents Moving to Australia

In the growing unrest in Hong Kong, you may be considering moving to Australia – you should be aware of the following tax issues: When moving […]
17 June 2020

Discretionary Trusts: Be Wary of Distribution to Foreign Residents

  In a recent Federal Court case, Peter Greensill Family Co Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation, the Federal Court found that a distribution from a […]
17 June 2020

Tax residency: don’t forget to declare your foreign income if you are an Australian tax resident

Did you know that Australian residents are subject to taxation on their global income,? Certain mechanisms exist to mitigate double taxation on income earned abroad in […]
19 April 2020
Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne

COVID19 – Is your status as a tax non-resident affected if you return home to Australia

If you are a non-resident for tax purposes, an extended stay in Australia due to Covid-19 to be with family and friends may affect your tax […]
17 January 2017

Australians living overseas must start repaying student loans: HELP, TSL, HECS

If you are an Australian living overseas and you have a student loan, then you must register on MyGov by 1 July 2017 and start repaying […]



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