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Australian Ownership in Foreign Companies
Tax: Australians with business interests in foreign companies
There are many Australian residents who have business interests in overseas companies. These are often with overseas business partners with both as directors. Also, many people migrating to Australia have these overseas business interests when they arrive. For these companies to remain foreign companies and subject to taxation in the country they reside there are a number of things to consider.
Thin Capitalisation explained
In debt financing, an entity is considered ‘thinly capitalised’ where the assets are funded by a high level of debt and little equity. But why is […][…]
International offshore business dealings? Undeclared taxable income? Make a voluntary tax disclosure now
Taxpayers engaged in various overseas business dealings, such as owning overseas companies, trading in global shares, receiving rents, dividends, interest from foreign sources, or inheriting funds […][…]
Tax Common Reporting Standard (CRS): Australian Chinese Community
Many of the Australian Chinese community may be affected by the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) the new international tax reporting system. The CRS is designed to […][…]
International tax: CFC tax rules explained
If you have interests in offshore companies you should be aware of the taxation rules relating to Controlled Foreign Companies (CFC) or Controlled Foreign Trusts Rules […][…]