Taxation Law Articles - Waterhouse Lawyers


Read our Taxation Law Articles to better understand how we can help you with our expertise.



Court Attendance Notices in NSW: What You Need to Know

If you’ve received a Court Attendance Notice (CAN) in NSW, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do next. A CAN is […][…]


Tax Fraud

Tax fraud and/or evasion are serious offences under taxation law, they involve intentionally deceiving or hiding information from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to avoid paying […][…]


GST refund fraud:  Tax prosecution by Commonwealth Director of Prosecutions CDPP

GST refund fraud is a serious crime.  If the ATO believes that you have illegally obtained, or applied for, a GST refund they may refer your case […][…]


Have you been issued a summons to attend Court for not lodging tax returns?

Not lodging your tax returns can result in criminal charges. Hartigan Law can represent you in South Australia if are being prosecuted for not lodging.[…]



Law Council of Australia logo - Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne
law society of new south wales logo - Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne
the tax institute logo - Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne
Transfer Pricing Association Global logo - Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne