Taxation Law Articles - Waterhouse Lawyers


Read our Taxation Law Articles to better understand how we can help you with our expertise.


Tax Debt

How to ask the ATO for a remission of your general interest charge (or GIC)

The ATO can remit the general interest charge in certain situations. This article looks at those situations and provides guidance on how and when you can make a request.[…]

Tax Audit

Lessons learnt about how to apply for a Private Ruling

Private rulings are decisions by the ATO about your particular situation. You can apply to the ATO to tell you, in a Private Ruling, how it […][…]


Super Reform 2016

Treasury have (finally) released details of draft legislation of the first tranche of the 2016 superannuation reform.  Still no word on the controversial contribution cap. The […][…]

Tax Audit

Received an ATO letter? Keep Calm

The ATO Letter … So – you have received a letter from the ATO. You may have forgotten to lodge a number of BASs. You might […][…]

Tax Advice

Tax nightmares? Voluntary disclosure is the answer

Having nightmares about your tax? Haven’t lodged income tax returns for don’t know how  many years? Want to get back on track but don’t know how? […][…]


Gold bullion or scrap gold? Tax implications

Under the GST Act, the supply of gold bullion is input taxed. In layman terms this essentially means that the supply and purchase are GST free. […][…]



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