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Small business CGT tax concessions
- Are you entitled to the small business CGT tax concessions?
The small business CGT tax concessions are one of the most favourable tax concessions available. The very best small business CGT concession is the 15 year asset exemption which disregards CGT derived from the sale of from an “active asset”.
Active asset
The small business capital gains tax (CGT) concessions allow you to reduce, disregard or defer some or all o
COVID-19, Tax Fraud and The ATO
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is aggressively stepping up its campaign against ATO COVID-19 Fraud, focusing on deceitful activities and tax schemes that misuse the government’s […][…]
Gold bullion or scrap gold? Tax implications
Under the GST Act, the supply of gold bullion is input taxed. In layman terms this essentially means that the supply and purchase are GST free. […][…]
Tax Crime: Failure to Lodge Tax Returns and Court Attendance Notice
Did you know that the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) can prosecute you for failure to lodge a tax return and, even worse, if you are convicted, […][…]
Tax fraud can lead to prison
Tax fraud or evasion is treated very seriously by the courts. There are close to 100 serious criminal tax offence matters currently before the courts for […][…]