Taxation Law Articles - Waterhouse Lawyers


Read our Taxation Law Articles to better understand how we can help you with our expertise.


International Tax

International offshore business dealings? Undeclared taxable income? Make a voluntary tax disclosure now

Taxpayers engaged in various overseas business dealings, such as owning overseas companies, trading in global shares, receiving rents, dividends, interest from foreign sources, or inheriting funds […][…]

Tax Audit

Tax Review or Tax Audit – Try to Satisfy the ATO at the Review Stage

Individuals, partnerships, companies, trusts, super funds are all at a risk of a tax audit following an unsatisfactory tax review.  Tax audits which follow an unsatisfactory tax […][…]

Tax Residency

COVID19 – Is your status as a tax non-resident affected if you return home to Australia

If you are a non-resident for tax purposes, an extended stay in Australia due to Covid-19 to be with family and friends may affect your tax […][…]

Tax Debt

Director Penalty Notice (DPN) – The ATO can collect the same ‘debt’ from many people

When the ATO issues a DPN, it can continue to chase the company for the same underlying amount, and can chase multiple directors for the same underlying amounts.[…]

Tax Debt

ATO Director Penalty Notice – Unpaid company taxes

Directors – don’t get caught being liable to pay your company’s unpaid taxes because you will be personally liable for a Director Penalty Notice (DPN).  This […][…]

Tax Debt

Types of Director Penalty Notices (DPNs)

There are two types of DPNs – a standard DPN, or a ‘lockdown’ DPN. […]



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