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Accessing your Australian Superannuation
Accessing superannuation funds can be tricky prior to reaching your preservation age. Those born before 1 July 1964, can access their superannuation funds prior to age 60. Those born on or after 1 July 1964, have to meet a condition of release or reach age 60 to access their funds.
Accessing superannuation at preservation age
Between age 55 and 65, there are multiple ways your superannuation can be accessed, with various tax consequences as discussed below.
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SMSF: co-trustee not acting properly? Take action immediately
Superannuation legislation does not deal with the situation of one trustee behaving improperly in relation to their Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) obligations and the other […][…]
Superannuation: SMSF – LRBAs – Non-arm’s length income
One of the benefits of a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) is the 15% tax rate. However if income is ‘non-arm’s length’, the income will be subject to […][…]
Superannuation: SMSF illegal early access
A recent AAT decision has found that taxpayers who acted on the advice on the agent and entered into a loan arrangement using their SMSF funds had early accessed their benefits and were therefore assessable on those benefits at the time that they were initially released. The arrangement was a sham even though the taxpayers did not have the necessary intent to enter into a sham arrangement. The agent was aware it was a sham and the agent’s intention was the applicable one.[…]