Taxation Law Articles - Waterhouse Lawyers


Read our Taxation Law Articles to better understand how we can help you with our expertise.


Tax Residency

Australian Residency Tax Trap: Permanent Place of Abode

Australian Residency Tax Trap – In order to be treated as a non-resident of Australia and thus not taxed as an Australian resident you must satisfy […][…]

Tax Planning

CGT event K3- Estate planning traps

In Australia, we don’t have death duties or inheritance taxes, so when assets pass to beneficiaries through a person’s estate, capital gains are generally disregarded. However, […][…]


Bringing your super to Australia from overseas

Transferring Foreign Superannuation. When people relocate to Australia, superannuation is sometimes forgotten. Depending on when you bring back your super to Australia, and how much, it […][…]

International Tax

Thin Capitalisation explained

In debt financing, an entity is considered ‘thinly capitalised’ where the assets are funded by a high level of debt and little equity. But why is […][…]

TPB Investigation

Recent Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) Wins

The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) has dramatically increased its investigation of tax agents who are not complying with their tax agent obligations. This is the result […][…]

Tax Residency

Tax Issues: Hong Kong Residents Moving to Australia

In the growing unrest in Hong Kong, you may be considering moving to Australia – you should be aware of the following tax issues: When moving […][…]



Law Council of Australia logo - Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne
law society of new south wales logo - Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne
the tax institute logo - Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne
Transfer Pricing Association Global logo - Tax Lawyer Sydney Melbourne